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This looks great!

When I opened it for the first time (on an Android device) it presented me with two options: no GPS data, or use GPS via Google, with small print that says that it allows Google to harvest my location data and do what they like with it.

Is there a way to deal with this? It feels like the main purpose of a privacy-respecting app is lost if they can still mug me for that data via the GPS.


@passenger @smallcircles In the android app there's an option at the bottom of the settings screen that says:
"Tracking settings
Google Play Services
Use Google Play Services to determine your current location"
That setting is enabled by default. Maybe disabling it would keep Google from harvesting the location data(?)


@daiversity @smallcircles

I've got that turned off, thanks, but it means that I can't use the map app to find my location. Every time I press the button for that it just prompts me to reenable Google tracking.

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