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Zach Weinersmith

My theory is the logic goes like this:

1) "International law" has the word "law" in it
2) Therefore it must mean the same thing as the low where I live.
3) But wait, international law has no enforcement branch.
4) Therefore international law doesn't exist
5) International relations is all bullshit


@ZachWeinersmith I reached the same conclusion when trying to analyze "war crimes"


@ZachWeinersmith is Interpol something valid, or they just cooperate with each nation local organization?


@ZachWeinersmith International law is everyone playing nice with each other, at least as long, as a third party needs that law applied to them.


@ZachWeinersmith I mean… they do do what they want all the time but no one actually wants to Kessler themselves.

Chad Hot Chili Peppers

@ZachWeinersmith we have no space lawyers because there’s no space bar exam


@ZachWeinersmith I can imagine it's easy to think like that, if growing up in the world's only superpower. On the other hand, I thought poker was a well-known game in the world's only superpower.


It feels like we could short circuit a lot of this by saying 'Current agreements between countries over where their juristictions and sovereign powers conflict', but typing that all out instead of 'international law' feels burdensome.

'What the Secret Shadow World Order Says' maybe? Leaving aside it's not secret, it's a lot more like 50 people yelling, and calling it order is...

I like the analogy a youtuber uses- 'International poker game where everybody's cheating.'

It feels like we could short circuit a lot of this by saying 'Current agreements between countries over where their juristictions and sovereign powers conflict', but typing that all out instead of 'international law' feels burdensome.

'What the Secret Shadow World Order Says' maybe? Leaving aside it's not secret, it's a lot more like 50 people yelling, and calling it order is...

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