4/ The second half of the event is as important as the first: after the talks we head to a nearby pub for 🍻 #geobeers paid for by our sponsors 🙏.
This is where the networking and deeper discussion happens. No stuffy panels, just hanging out with other geogeeks.
5/ So who gets to speak at Geomob? Anyone! - with only ONE IMPORTANT CAVEAT: the speaker should be a "doer": someone who actually worked on the project described.
When we first started many years ago we made the mistake of trying to get big "names" and invited someone from London office of a big company. The speaker just read us the press release of what had been built in California. BORING. 😒 Since then doers only.
Want to speak - please volunteer!
5/ So who gets to speak at Geomob? Anyone! - with only ONE IMPORTANT CAVEAT: the speaker should be a "doer": someone who actually worked on the project described.
When we first started many years ago we made the mistake of trying to get big "names" and invited someone from London office of a big company. The speaker just read us the press release of what had been built in California. BORING. 😒 Since then doers only.