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third="Beedell", first="Roke"

@MnemosyneSinger But lack of productivity surely is a good indicator of societal lack of worth?

the happy leftist

@rokejulianlockhart I assume this is sarcasm. But just in case it's serious, then no. I really don't think so. That's actually pretty fucked up honestly.

the happy leftist

@rokejulianlockhart because it's capitalist brainrot propaganda. A Human life is worth more than it's "usefulness" to other people.

Edit: the person who replied below me is correct. It's worse than just capitalism it's eugenicist.


@MnemosyneSinger @rokejulianlockhart A human life is worth at least as much as it costs to maintain it.

The issue is whether or not that's seen as expensive.

shrimp eating mammal 🦐

@graydon @MnemosyneSinger @rokejulianlockhart the worth of human life is reckoned in different terms than "cost to maintain". Thst is rotten thinking, somehow equating the two.


@walruslifestyle @MnemosyneSinger @rokejulianlockhart People need other people. (All people need other people. We're each of us pretty helpless on our own.) The food you need to live and the shelter you need to live are dependent on the agreement of other people that you should have them.

Society, any society, the idea of having a society, requires by the philosophical necessities some social construction of who should have those things. It need not be "do they have money?" but it must exist.

shrimp eating mammal 🦐

@graydon @MnemosyneSinger @rokejulianlockhart what in God's name are you talking about? you sound like a middle manager from a video game about city planning.

William Canna-bass

@rokejulianlockhart @MnemosyneSinger
This is straight up #Eugenics / #Nazism. Full Stop.
Do disabled people have worth? Do people who are ill have worth?
Yes, all beings have worth, from plants, to fungi, to animals, to people.

Freja (a rabbet)

@JizzelEtBass i believe that was a joke and they indeed understand that (at least based on the phrasing of the post)


@rokejulianlockhart @MnemosyneSinger

Because every measure of "productivity" just ends up being a reflection of that person's biases.

For example, when Simon Kuznets initially defined the idea that we now call GDP, he deliberately excluded domestic work done by housewives. Few people would claim that domestic work is unproductive, but Kuznets apparently did.

A R Collins (He/Him)

@rokejulianlockhart @MnemosyneSinger This is a poor view on the value of a person, the value of life, and even the value of yourself.

What purpose is there to assigning “worth” to a person if not to exclude and/or remove them? And if so, do you want to live in an environment where, the second you lose your “worth”, which could be as soon as today for all you know, you are excluded or removed as worthless?

No need to answer, just consider.

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