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Madame Aronow

Good morning Fedi friends and happu #caturday :QueerCat:

Did some #art this morning, the heading to the studio in a bit - I’ve been really slacking on going so trying to get back into it.

What’s on your agenda #today?

#toebeans #catsofmastodon

Toe bean appreciation club painting in tattoo style

@aronow id definitely join such club!

Right now packing up my things since - tomorrow I'm moving to my own place!!

So excited to have my own. Although one would think after moving more than 8 times (having lived in a dorm) I'd be an expert at it, however I'm still none the wiser :blobfoxlaugh:

Hopefully won't miss anything since next time I'll be able to come back for it would be on the weekend after work...

Madame Aronow

@CaughtInDeed ahhh that’s so exciting!! Sending great vibes@for an easy move :blobfoxheartcute:

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