The "badger badger" animation is 20 years old today.
You're welcome.
The "badger badger" animation is 20 years old today. You're welcome. 28 comments
@saramg you witch. I was literally randomly thinking about this video a few hours ago 😂 @saramg Original video (and better audio quality): @UKFilmNerd @saramg Yes. If you want to share a YouTube video though then Weebl is the original. @saramg The early Web was fascinating, freeing, weird, cruel, and fun. Sometimes I miss those days. @saramg Hate to be a bother, but could you edit the link to the actual person's YT reupload? @saramg amazing! I think when I first saw that (20 years ago!?!!! Gulp) I thought it was one of the funniest things I'd ever seen..! |
@saramg Thanks, I hate it.