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Josh Collinsworth

I took this photo of my kid playing with his blocks the other day, and when I realized it reminded me of something, well...I had to make this.

Tyler Mumford

@collinsworth Hahaha, that's amazing! And nice photoshopping, too

Queen Of Coffee

@collinsworth That's pretty good. The last time my kids played with blocks they made an anatomically correct Abraham Lincoln eating cheese.


@QueenOfCoffee @collinsworth um AKSHULLY, to be "anatomically correct" it would need to be made out of Lincoln Logs(TM). πŸ™„


ROTOPE~1 :yell:

@moondog548 @QueenOfCoffee @collinsworth did you ask for a "Lincoln Hog"? Yeah we definitely included that


@collinsworth you left your kid alone in Nebraska? Omg 😱


@collinsworth Oh wow, this is just lovely in every possible way. Thank you for sharing it!



A lot of people would recognise the source but it's worth including for those who don't:


@Strubbl totally! For people not knowing, what we talk about: (one of my all time favorites) @collinsworth

The Coding Beard

@collinsworth I was talking about this very thing with a few other on Thursday and it's incredible to think how brittle major parts of our modern are and how many projects depend on what turns out to be work on passion projects. I know this is how works but this makes it incredibly important to understand your dependencies and their dependencies and so on…

Matthew Martin β˜‘ βœ…πŸ“›

@collinsworth You added the maintainer of left-pad about to yank his package to the background

Skylar Caulfield :blue_verify: he's gonna be a very valuable asset to a tech company someday! heheh


@collinsworth And an accurate analogy of life being a balancing act. One block out of place, and it all comes tumbling down.

@le>< 🀘🏻

That's brilliant! πŸ˜…πŸ‘πŸ» I know the xkcd original. Kudos

Vertigo #$FF

@collinsworth That it's leaning precariously to one side indicates how much more realistic it is versus the original XKCD comic. 😏

You just described core-js for modern web dev

@collinsworth Loved the comics, can't wait for the live action series! :]

βœ… Evert Albers

@collinsworth Even without the text, I immediately recognized cartoon.

MugsysRapSheet β˜‘οΈ

I saw this same meme on a Programmers' Feed where the structure was The Latest Software and the supporting block was a bit of "legacy code" that someone had been thanklessly maintaining for years.


@collinsworth I had that exact same wooden block set as a child! I loved it so much. Ours came in a flat black box, and the blocks filled the box exactly.


@collinsworth I'm half expecting that your kid's nicknamed Little Bobby Tables ;)

HΓ₯kon Alstadheim

@collinsworth You should put a credit to there, but thanks for letting me feel I'm in the "in"-group :)

Josh Collinsworth I guess I felt the credit was implicit, given that I mentioned being reminded of something, and that anybody at all familiar with xkcd would probably recognize the lettering, if not the exact text (both of which I obviously copied and pasted).

Still, it's possible people mistook this as entirely original, which wasn't my intention. And it never hurts to be explicit.

Warren Currie 🦠🦐

@collinsworth please add the original Randall Munroe xkcd comic link "Dependency" to the alt-text.

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