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Math nerds of Fedi, hark!

We were talking the other day about decimal time (a day is divided into a thousand 刻 or "beats", and there are no time zones, it's the same time all over the world).

Now, with timezones, obviously the date line ends up on the opposite side of the Earth from UTC.

And with decimal time (w/o time zones), no date line is needed.

The puzzle for y'all is: if both systems are used in parallel, where on Earth should the "decimal time" thousand "beats" or 刻 start in order to minimize* "what day is it"–type confusion? I know it ain't Biel, but where is it? 💁🏻‍♀️

*: As in: the fewest people confused for the shortest time at the least inconvenient hours. Zero if possible 💁🏻‍♀️
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