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Marcin Krzyzanowski

Someone out there on the internet found the original booklet that came with the original Nintendo system version of 'Tetris' and, hold on to your hats people, the blocks have names.

ednl πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Ί

@pete @krzyzanowskim Pity, isn't it. I read that they did use those names in the Tetris movie! Haven't seen it, but if that is the case then it has become fact after all :) Here's an older article talking about the hoax:


@ednl @pete @krzyzanowskim No they didnβ€˜t call them like that the movie, the story is too Japan and Russia centric to involve USAβ€˜s geography.

Dan Leehr

@krzyzanowskim this was a joke, someone shopped it up a few years ago. It even made its way into a Jeopardy! Clue πŸ˜‚

Lizzy :Fire_Trans:

@Leehro @krzyzanowskim smashboy is very modern parlance now that I think about it



Looks like this is the next big thing that will be banned in Florida, then. All the names are clearly gender-male, and pieces just slot together like...


@krzyzanowskim pretty sure that's a book of jokes by a comical person.

Brian Hawthorne

@krzyzanowskim @ginapieters In general, any post that begins β€œsomeone on the internet” usually ends up as β€œoops, I fell for another prank.”

Gina C. Pieters, Ph.D.

@bhawthorne @krzyzanowskim Quite true. But I like the thought of this history, and no harm is done by the fable.


@ginapieters @krzyzanowskim @bhawthorne sometimes a relentless pursuit of the truth is overrated


@krzyzanowskim Nintendo was wrong, and printing their wrongness in a booklet doesn't change that.

Doug Warren

Bah! It's Aye, Ell, Gamma, Oh, Ess, Tee, and Zee, or Zed if you're from the Commonwealth.


@krzyzanowskim reddit shuts down for a bit and Mastodon starts to get hit with reposts of fake old things represented as real for internet points. Awesome....

SteveP πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦

@krzyzanowskim gee blue Ricky, I'm really sorry your mom blew up.


@krzyzanowskim They have names..?!
I called them often like "l", "the wrong l" when I said the game which brick I need as next ^^


@krzyzanowskim Were these calques of the blocks’ original Russian names?


I just love to here all kinds of #Tetris/ #Korobeiniki Interpretations as a #soundtrack while playing. This is one of my favourites:

PS: But there are also awesome #Metal, #Jazz, #Techno, #Ragtime and many other versions worth listening.

PPS: Obviously like all good music its in #Moll...

Adam Auckland

@krzyzanowskim this is blowing people up, but what’s even more crazy is why people don’t think things have names.

Everything has a name. If it needs to be different to something else there will be a name.

Adam Auckland

I’m obsessed by this fact.

Your toothpaste has a name.

The screw on the lid of the toothpaste has a name because they are all different.

The grading of the foil on the toothpaste tube has a name.

Shannon Clark

@krzyzanowskim @epixoip which original Nintendo version of Tetris. There were two. A good one and a not as good one.

How do I know?


Go on….

Yup we bought the not as good version (likely my mom still has it, along with our original Zelda cartridge)



Official Tetris block names.

Captioned with help from Google Lens.

The original music has lyrics too
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