@exocomics a 4 panel marker-drawn comic in a cute bold style.
Panel one: "Beans." in large underlined text. A cat's foot is held in frame showing the pink toe beans in closeup. There's a yellow background with sparkles.
Panel two: A brown striped cat with large pupils sits on the ground with cutesy annoyed eyebrows and exposed toe beans. Two stubby human hands reach out from the bottom of the panel. The human says "gimme those beans".
Panel three: the hands extend further and the human says "i require them." The cat is angrier and says "Dude." He has scrunched up defensively.
Panel four: the cat has gotten up and begun to flee. The human wiggles the hands and says "b-b-b beans", presumably beginning to chase the cat. The cat yells, "Stop it!!”
Bottom of the Comic says ©li chen and links to exocomics.com.