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Dr. Quadragon ❌

1. All politics imply violence. That's what it's about: to what end and who gets to apply it, to whom, and in what form and measure. Even the most progressive ideologies imply violence somewhere down the line. The more inderect it is, the further down the line it is, and behind more layers of red tape and buerocratic gridlocks it is, the more "humane" the political system *appears*. But it will always be there, lest everything collapses.
2. You can't escape politics. It is the game you can't leave, even if you died. You live and breathe it. Like air fills everything there is empty space, politics is where societh or ita influence is. You can only turn a blind eye to it. Apolitical is an escapist fantasy. And there's nothing wrong about a little escapism every now and then, in fact, it's healthy. As long as you know that the reality will always catch up with you. And it will.

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我妻 由乃

@drq политика - это вынужденная мера если в двух словах)

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@satanist Неотъемлемое свойство, скорее.


@drq truths. come on.

Dr. Quadragon ❌



@drq yeah I guess the Rona showed a lot of youngsters that politics is not abstract but somebody telling you "no you can't" - and you can't.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

3. The world is full of propaganda. And that's okay. Some of it useful, some harmful, some just innocent. Be warned though that as such, you only notice propaganda you don't already agree with, unless noted otherwise. You, inevitably, spread propaganda too, and that is okay too, but be careful.

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