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I'd go a step further: if something has no commercial value, preventing people from using, sharing, modifying, or expressing it should be illegal.

Not just copyrighted things. Also any DRM protecting something no longer for sale or that doesn't receive updates or support.

Locked bootloader on a ten year old phone? Illegal. Locked down jtag pins and bootrom on an always-online device after the services are turned down? Illegal. Class action suits up the wazoo.

It should be illegal to withhold from the commons.
1 comment
Jean-Baptiste "JBQ" Quéru

@megmac I'm hoping that the EU push toward improving cybersecurity and reducing e-waste opens the door toward a situation where requirements are tighter for closed systems. Open a system fully (source code, tools, signature keys, etc...) and, after a year, active maintenance isn't legally required any more.

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