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r҉ustic cy͠be̸rpu̵nk🤠🤖

Adding "lol" to the end of your sentence is an ancient ritual to ward off existential dread lol

@cypnk the modern use of lol derives from the early telegraph systems where it was used for separation of the sentences during transmission
Blackout The Conspiracy

@cypnk every once and a while, I’ll throw in a rofl to throw some weight to my age and corniness 😅

Glenn Seto

@cypnk I find an overuse of "haha" communicates an even more manic desperation.


@cypnk oh that's cool lol I think I need more than one lol

Edan Osborne :flag_nonbinary:

@cypnk We're all completely fucked and everyone is going to die, lol

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