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Terence Eden

🆕 blog! “Some thoughts on Mastodon search”

The latest version of Mastodon includes search functionality. It's early days, but seems to work pretty well. Here are some of the interesting things I found when using it. Search is complex - expectations I don't mean the act of searching a database - that's routine - but I mean it is socially complex. Lots […]

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#mastodon #MastodonAPI #search

Dale Reardon

@Edent I have opted in to search - If I boost a post from someone who has not opted in does their post become searchable on my timeline?

Terence Eden

That's an excellent question! I expect not - the user's preferences filter through to other servers.

Of course, they do not *have* to respect that.

Leon Overweel


> Nor can you find people who are talking about a specific page on the web.

Is this accurate? Searching for exact URLs of news articles to find people talking about them is exactly the use case I was looking forward to the most 😞

Kudra :maybe_verified:

@Edent I've been having thoughts on search for a LONG time (decades... ... this is probably my favourite thing ever said about me ever online and I'm impressed it's still there!) and it's safe to say I am VERY pro-search, but also pro-consent and individuals having granular choices around privacy everywhere.

I think the ability to make private posts OR public posts from the same account already solves the biggest and clearest divide there, but further granularity is not a bad thing, though the more complex, the more daunting for many in trying to navigate using any new app or site. It's tricky.

While it's obvious that it's impossible to search /eberything/ (but Google sure used to do a good job a decade or two ago, and we still have the Wayback Engine...) I'm very interested to see how search develops in Fedi. I think hashtags are doing an ok job at making things discoverable by topic, and it's been interesting to see how different sites have tackled discoverability. You gave a really good overview in your post. Kudos!

@Edent I've been having thoughts on search for a LONG time (decades... ... this is probably my favourite thing ever said about me ever online and I'm impressed it's still there!) and it's safe to say I am VERY pro-search, but also pro-consent and individuals having granular choices around privacy everywhere.

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