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maxmoon 🌱

I am looking for a modern forum software, which has most of the following features:

- An #api (e.g. #rest) to process data from the #forum and automatically post it again (bot)
- #Markdown for composing new posts
- Side-threads, so several discussions can exist in parallel without annoying everyone else (like #mastodon, #Lemmy or #reddit)
- #opensource

The last days I played around with #lemmy, but it has sooo much issues, that I might throw away the work of the last 2-3 weeks, if I find something better.

Thanks a lot for your help 🙂

#boostwelcome #boostappreciated #pleaseboost #askfedi #askmasto #askmastodon #question #help #followerpower #server #website

maxmoon 🌱

@nm I took a look at the git repo, but couldn't find a demo there and it looks like it's not maintained anymore. At least the last commit was a long time ago.

Have you once used this software?

Nume MacAroon â“‹

@utopify_org No I haven't. I last took a look a few years ago.

@utopify_org #flarum would be the obvious choice, but I suggest sticking a bit longer with #Lemmy as the federated aspect of it really has a lot of potential even if it is still a bit buggy.
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