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They are build to be stepped on :lego_brick_blue: :legoLogo:

Fran García

@stux and this explains why you should never EVER walk barefoot if you suspect there might be lego pieces around 🤣


@stux So this is what happened to all those pieces, that I couldn't separate anymore.

Sir David Nielsen

@stux don’t mess with Danes, we have developed a range of innocuous looking devices, which are really great for guerrilla warfare and they are in every single home, in such abundance you would scarcely believe. We even put big public reserves in most public attractions, such as museums.


@stux Amazing! Then again, if you ever stepped on one... you are not that surprised


@stux Also helps that it's a scale representation of a 90s era Volvo estate.

Tony Wells

@devolute @stux

It survived over the weight of a full size 90s era Volvo estate !

m4iler :debian: :verified_paw:

@stux So it will not withstand an American.

Good to know!


During a heated argument between my children, one said to the other.
"I hope you step on a LEGO."

The tearful response?

They said many mean things to each other, but that crossed a line


@stux @kaybee335 hey I could have told you that, I performed that test with my feet so many times as a kid (& the a teen when my Brother inherited my lego collection! ) 🥴🤭


That press will tell its friends how this one day it got switched on and while it was still groggy it pressed on a Lego. All the other hydraulic presses will wince thinking about it.

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