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Zach Weinersmith

So, because of the job I have I worked with a lot of different people in different parts of publishing, comics, etc. I've noticed post covid everyone seems to sincerely inquire about mental health stuff and not push for miracles. Really feels substantially different. A few times has caused me to double-take. I wonder if there's a widespread push against workaholism going on?

Zach Weinersmith

Like about a year ago I got genuinely confused talking to a guy and he suggested waiting on something. I couldn't figure out why and then he clarified that it'd be too much stress for me. Like, that was the only reason. Little thing, but it really wasn't like this just five years ago.


@ZachWeinersmith It's like the public at large collectively caught on to the fact that the people who always demanded we "do more with less or else the sky will fall" had been lying through their teeth this whole time and being happy is more important than meeting the arbitrary deadlines of some pretentious buttwipe in a suit.


@ZachWeinersmith I can report that major outlets on gaming journalism seem sensitive these days to the topic of crunch. Studios and publishers waving the flag of work/life balance - sometimes as PR stunt, sometimes genuinely, but either way, sacrificing mental health and family life for work, especially when working for a corporation, is no longer seen as en vogue to (publicly) expect from developers and designers.

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