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404 Media found that when you write about LSD, MDMA, guns, and stolen credit cards for sale on Instagram, IG flags you for not following their recommended guidelines -- i.e. for calling attention to stuff that is blatantly in violation of their own policies but that is nevertheless inexplicably left alone.

Hey, this bury your head in the sand approach has worked for Meta/FB for years. Why stop now?

Mark Wollschlager

@briankrebs It 'hurts' to throttle likes and shares. That sweet nectar that supports user dwell time.
Can't subsist on kittens and selfies.

Atanas Entchev

@briankrebs Add to the list Instagram ads for Omega and Rolex watches 99% off. Running for weeks, from dozens of "different" "authorized resellers".


@atanas @briankrebs just the mere sight of a “horological investment” is enough to make me rage close Instagram. Haven’t been on for longer than a minute in the last few months, because ad revenue.

Neal Onions

@briankrebs you would think they would learn a little from Musk’s abject failure with Twitter but no. This is the same company that proports to want open access to the fediverse. They have almost used 2 of their 3 strikes on this one alone. An apology would be most welcome.

If I was active on IG it’d be following, reposting and liking everything 404 right now.


@briankrebs They are concerned about their profits. The most efficient solution to prevent damage to their profits is to stop people from noticing there’s a problem, rather than attempting to fix the problem.


@briankrebs @lisamelton oof. It’s like it’s easier to shoot the messenger than to correct the problem.

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