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Renaud Chaput

Full text search has been merged in #Mastodon `main` branch, and will be in the next (and final?) 4.2.0 beta 🎉

It is opt-in, so it will take some time to be filled with people content as they enable their profile to be indexed, but this was one of the most wanted Mastodon features for some time.

We plan to deploy it to and in the coming days to have a bit more feedback on it and see how it behaves in the wild.

Renaud Chaput

@prachisrivas We want it, but it is very complex to implement properly (requires ActivityPub protocol changes). It will not be in 4.2.0, but we it is definitely on the roadmap.

Prof Prachi Srivastava


Thanks, I'd heard rumours. I think it is a real limitation to some engagement. I can appreciate the technical considerations.

Renaud Chaput

To opt into your content being searchable, once your instance is upgraded to support this feature, head to the your profile, and the new “Privacy and reach" tag, then tick the "include public posts in search”.

We will try to ensure users know this setting exists, nothing 100% defined yet, but we may add a dismissible banner asking to review your privacy settings page.

Renaud Chaput

Full-text search allows you to search for words in the content of statuses (if your instance has ElasticSearch configured), compared to the current version which only allows searching for hashtags.

In addition, you get a whole lot of search modifiers for advanced search (no UI for those yet):

has:image / has:video / has:audio / has:media
has:poll / has:link / has:embed
is:sensitive / is:reply

Frozen Canuck

@renchap does full-text search also encompass a user’s profile (opt-in)? Basically to help aid in user discoverability

Renaud Chaput

@frozencanuck Profiles are already indexed (in 4.2.0 at least), if your profiled is marked as “discoverable" (the “Feature profile and posts in discovery algorithms" setting).
If this setting is not set, then only the user name and display name are indexed.


@renchap one question does mastodon operators support NOT or "-" i.e. -has:link to search for post that has no link (text only)?

Renaud Chaput

@tsetiady I am not sure of the exact syntax, but it should support AND / OR / NOT, and if it does not it can be added easily. I will check!

Jon congrats to all involved, opt-in search is a really big deal!

Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

@renchap this should really help to find people to follow, as long as people opt in that is

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