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Evie (SleepyCatten)

@AzulCrescent Transform... back??? But... but... :PleadingFace: 👉👈


@SleepyCatten @AzulCrescent No need to switch back, just maybe change outfits. Or boldly wander around in full meguka regalia, as one prefers.

Phantom Kitty (Trans)

@AzulCrescent No magic girl transformation sequence? I'm disappointed

Violet Rose

"No! I was completely like this before! I don't know what you're talking about!"

Claire Rodriguez

@AzulCrescent Never felt the whole isekai, "Why would I ever want to go back," harder than I did from this.


@AzulCrescent Have you read El Goonish Shive?

Cause I think you’d appreciate it. Even if it took the author a while to grow.

(If you haven’t, and you’re into long-running plot-based webcomics, I suggest skipping the very earliest arcs and starting with “Red Alert”. It’s still pretty early on, but past some of the worst bits of the early writing and skipping some arcs that are much darker than the average tone of the comic.)

(I promise this is relevant to the mini-comic!)

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