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Graham Sutherland / Polynomial


dead simple CLI apps with like two library dependencies wrapped in a whole-ass docker container

extreme organic gay

@gsuberland i would just like to know what is in these docker containers CI relies on but i can't find the sources. and i apparently don't have access to the compiled containers.

Christopher Wood

@gsuberland @dysfun Well you can install any height of trash fire in a container but the instant you propose just a new thing under /opt/vendor instead of /usr/companyname/opt/local it's all "but can we support this strange new directory structure you are suggesting and what even are the security implications".

Christian Vogel

@dysfun @gsuberland Do you want the Busybox, Alpine, Ubuntu/Debian, Centos or OpenSuse-based version of your shellscript-in-a-container?

Ariel Richtman

@vogelchr @dysfun @gsuberland oh hai, are we talking about the fact that 90% of Docker is imperative RUN?

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