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Grigory Shepelev

@askonomm not mentioning stability of clojure(+script) projects (comparing to java/type-script's ecosystem that launches "breaking* new" framework of something), interactive development with #repl and all the good things I used to

* literally breaking the backward compatibility

1 comment

@shegeley While it's true that Clojure is a more stable ecosystem, it's also so much smaller, and riddled with abandoned libraries (which you hope are high quality, but it's not always the case).

Tooling is quite frankly crap. Front-end debugging tooling for CLJS is a joke in comparison to JS/TS (and to get even something decent, you have to install and set-up a ton of stuff, because Clojure world doesn't care about usable defaults).

A lot of critical Clojure stuff is bus factor of 1, etc.

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