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Jérôme Petazzoni

What do y'all think of non-code contributions, in particular for open source projects?

(E.g. documentation, testing, tooling, bug reproduction, advocacy ... just to list a few!)

Please boost for reach <3

(Answers edited to be shorter and show correctly on all devices.)

Anonymous poll


Not necessary
Necessary and I wish we talked more about it
Necessary and most folks around me know it
0 people voted.
Voting ended 23 Aug 2023 at 0:35.
Daniel Lo Nigro 🇦🇺

@jpetazzo They're a very important, often overlooked part of open-source. Documentation can always be improved, and often people that are new to the project have great input that very experienced users will overlook. Way too much documentation assumes prior knowledge of some sort.

Jérôme Petazzoni

@Paxxi I'm sorry, I hadn't realized that!

The 3rd option should be "They're necessary and most folks around me know it".

I'll see if I can edit the text to be shorter and show in full even on mobile. 🙏🏻

Jérôme Petazzoni

@Paxxi Okay I was able to edit them but that did reset the number of votes 😭 (which kind of makes sense to avoid changing the result of a poll by switching options after the poll is complete; but... I wish I had gotten a warning😅)

Pär Björklund

@jpetazzo that seems like it could be improved 😀
Thank you!

Andrew Hodgson

@jpetazzo I'm all in favour of it, gives people a start and makes them feel part of the comunity.

Alex Rock

@jpetazzo I've been told off several times because my contributions to open source were not code.

I consider that spending hours in public networks listening to people having questions about the framework and helping them to be contributions to open source, but it seems that certain "core maintainers" wouldn't consider it to be so.

Mark Stosberg

@jpetazzo FYI, at least some mobile apps are truncating the poll options.

Jérôme Petazzoni

@markstos Thanks for letting me know! I'll try to edit them so they're shorter and show correctly everywhere.

Jérôme Petazzoni

@markstos Okay I was able to edit them but that did reset the number of votes 😭 (which kind of makes sense to avoid changing the result of a poll by switching options after the poll is complete; but... I wish I had gotten a warning😅)


@jpetazzo Design & user research. Tired of OSS projects claiming to prioritize the user experience, but then no ux practicioners were ever engaged.

Chris Ferdinandi ⚓️

@jpetazzo the caveat here is people who submit pull requests for meaningless word changes just to rack up there on GitHub contributor count.

But barring that, I wish I got more contributions like that on my projects.

Rasmus Kaj

In open source, those things sometimes gets overlooked. In the workplace, the opposite is a larger risk, some people needs to be reminded that actual programming matters too.

Nico Nico Belić

@jpetazzo we really need more people doing documentation, advocacy and tutorials just because programmers are notoriously bad at all of those and would avoid making it easier for other to contribute and are averse to marketing

Jérôme Petazzoni

@a13cui 💯 and I just broke my "boost" button :)

Diego Elio Pettenò

@jpetazzo I've been drumming up them being important and necessary for... 18 years?!? When did the time pass so fast?

Anyway if you're able to wade through some Italian, here's my very old take 😅

(Should I rewrite this in English?)


@jpetazzo I'm a strong "non code contribution" advocate and I urge everyone to participate in this

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