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Philip Cardella

@hrefna at least if you have documentation you can get mad at the people who don't read it.

I worked with student engineers at Purdue on projects (exhibits) for my local science center that could take years and thus saw several changes to who was on the team working on it.

I cannot scream enough about the students who did NOT read their predecessors' documentation and then proceeded to make the exact same mistakes their predecessors made.

AND as the customer how rarely they talked to ME.

Hrefna (DHC)

@philip_cardella "as per your predecessors documentation, page 3, paragraph 2…"

Philip Cardella

@hrefna right?!

Also, did it not occur to you that maybe there was a reason they didn't do x? If you read here you'll see they did do x and they managed to set the building on fire (ok the fire is an exaggeration and didn't happen but I swear over five years of working with them I expected it to).

That said, there were some really great projects with very solid teams too. Just the bad teams...smh

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