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Robert Kingett on hiatus

@seedy @talon Me too. I didn’t sign up for the beta though because I mainly need OCR apps to take pictures of physical mail that still gets sent to my old address and read it. I just can’t think of anything I would legitimately use this for because, whenever I need to get information, I always seem to do better in real time. Like if I’m on a real live video call with a person for example. I don’t know how to describe it exactly, but if I were to just Take a picture of a panel for instants, it could give me a description of the buttons on the panel, but I would still do a better job if a human were telling me go left and or right on that panel to press the button because in the act of locating the button I want, I am also getting information about the panel and other buttons as I go. It’s hard to explain. As for snail mail, I am registered with one of these snail mail to email services so all of my snail mail gets scanned into a PDF.


@weirdwriter @seedy Definitely do not use this for OCR. Use a dedicated OCR app for that. Also the volunteer call option is always available in Be My Eyes and I really do hope that it isn’t going anywhere, although I don’t see why it would. I do see uses for this though.

Robert Kingett on hiatus

@talon @seedy I don’t believe the live call actions will go anywhere because that’s how they make their money from specialized help. Those companies actually paid to be on the platform I think. I can’t remember if this is still the case or not but I remember hearing years ago that they charge corporations for using their infrastructure to make video calls to customers.

Kara Goldfinch

@talon @weirdwriter @seedy Yeah. I use voice dream scanner for this as it's offline.

Seedy the dweeb

@weirdwriter @talon I understand completely. I want to be able to navigate my computer's BIOS independently. Is GPT4 gonna help me do that? No. Will GPT5, 6, 7 or 8 do that? Probably also no.


@seedy @weirdwriter Want me to try? I’m curious. It will be incredibly slow going though.

Kara Goldfinch

@weirdwriter @talon @seedy It'll be like <flowery description of computer monitor> it appears that no drives are connected..


@KaraLG84 @weirdwriter @seedy It is definitely extremely unreliable when reading text. It doesn't just end up in a mess either. It just makes up plausible sounding stuff. I just tried to read a shipping label and it gave me a shipping label that sounded completely legit, but all the info was very, very wrong. Entirely wrong name, not even close, same for address. I have no idea how it got to the conclusion it did. But it did very much sound exactly like something that would be on a shipping label

Seedy the dweeb

@talon @KaraLG84 @weirdwriter That... is very dangerous! Imagine if that was a medication label, someone read the information the AI spat out and believed it, only for it to be all wrong. That's an overdose/poisoning/death waiting to happen!

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