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Charlie Stross

Oh good grief, I did not expect to wake up today and discover bits of my 2012 novel "Rule 34" were coming true!

Uilebheist 🏳️‍🌈

@cstross I'm actually surprised it took this long.
When manufacturers decide that all jobs must go through their servers which is only needed so they can spy on people who bought their products, this is what you get.


@Uilebheist @cstross ^ this
But I expected something less “by mistake”, and more penises being printed (although I’m sure _some_ penises were printed)


@cstross As long as it’s not Equoid immamentising itself, that’s fine.

Murphy's Lawyer

@cstross Why on earth not? At least it's one of the lesser squick-inducing parts of the book.

Charlie Stross

@murphyslawyer Because the rest of the book can't be far behind ..!


@cstross @murphyslawyer
At least you've written in one positive?

Andy Famiglietti

@cstross better that than any of the Laundry novels. Or "Iron Sunrise"


@cstross Could have been a lot worse...who the hell thinks connecting machines that throw molten plastic around to some rando on the internet is a good idea?!?


@cstross why in the 3D-printed fuck would people buy printers that depend on someone else's computer?

Paul Turnbull :CApride:

@cstross I’ll take Rule 34 over anything from the Laundry universe coming true. Rogue 3D printers is infinitely better than, say, soul eating violins.


@Chigaze @cstross You can't have the laundryverse without the violins though. The violins are inherent in the system.

Paul Turnbull :CApride:

@parsingphase @cstross Thinking there needs to be story set when Lecter still existed that includes an accompanying eldritch saxophone…

Charlie Stross

@Chigaze @parsingphase No: it needs eldritch bagpipes! Because Bagpiper's Lung is a real medical condition, and I can barely imagine the extradimensional antigens you might get from tootling on the Pipes of Azathoth …


@Chigaze @parsingphase @cstross ...the woodwind instrument being named Ndragsan Rok'n-Rawl


@Chigaze @cstross

“I thought I was just generating weird new fractals; they knew I was dangerously close to landscaping Wolverhampton with alien nightmares”

Justin Buist

@cstross I was weighing Prusa vs Bambi lately and the whole cloud printing bit was a big reason I didn't pick Bambu.

Misha Van Mollusq 🏳️‍⚧️ ♀

@cstross last week I was floating ways to monkey wrench 3DP specifically ones printing guns


@cstross Not looking forward to "Missile Gap" coming true, I've got to tell you.

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