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Stephen Foskett

I hate that every useful application (Dropbox, Zoom, Zencastr, etc) wants to be an all-encompassing platform. Just stop. Make your core product great, charge for it, and get out of the way.

Stephen Foskett

@takeitev @vmstan Oh lord yes, gotta stay ahead of that competition!

Rob Hirschfeld

@sfoskett but their AI is telling them to do that (after reading all your activity)!

Stephen Foskett

@zehicle Don't make me come over there and smack you!

Kees de Kooter

@sfoskett but but how are they going to burn all that VC money then?


@sfoskett if you do that, then you are operating under the rules and constraints of "market forces", such as having to deliver a profit, or die.

Whereas a platform's success is… very vague.

More importantly, shareholders (investors) are holding you a different standard: They want your customers' blood, not (primarily) yours.

Alison Meeks

@sfoskett All this! Was a paid subscriber of Dropbox and Zoom and dropped them both when they polluted their product so badly with kruft.


@sfoskett The more services you offer, the more difficulty clients have in moving.

Switching search engines is pretty easy. Switching away from Office 365 means changing
- email
- storage
- document formats (sort of)
- all those powershell scripts
- et c.

So when MS told charities they'd get free Office 365, the charities joined. Then it stopped being free, and charity-money now goes to MS, because they're not going to move.

Zeh Fernando

@sfoskett it's like once they have a Golden Goose, they want it to stop laying eggs and somehow start spending its time giving inspirational speeches on golden egg laying to regular geese instead

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