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Thomas Gideon :cmdln:

I am now reading the Wired article on local first software that @pluralistic referred to in his cloudburst post the other day.

I am only a few paragraphs in and ideas are brewing. I have much more reading to do.

Thomas Gideon :cmdln:

I have a friend who has recommended Strange Loop to me for years. If it draws ideas like local first computing and fosters discussion, I probably should have listened to him and gone several times already.

Thomas Gideon :cmdln:

Of course there is an Automerge crate for Rust and many related crates to add on all kinds of capabilities. I can *almost* imagine a use case for this for $dayjob. I am sure I can find plenty of useful applications for my own projects.

Thomas Gideon :cmdln:

The end to end encryption aspect of using CRDT based applications is familiar. In my tech policies days, we used Dropbox but talked about it as an untrusted transport. Which it is. We used encryption with our own keys with virtual file systems like encfs and cryfs.


@cmdln @pluralistic Great read, thanks for sharing. CRDT-based collaborative software sounds great. It makes me wonder how this concept could be applied to collaborative video production.

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