@b0rk The entire Learn Enough series. Michael Hartl has a very brief scholarship application — I filled it out on NYE last year, and he just gifted me access right away. I'm extremely grateful to him for doing that.
Command Line, Text Editor, and Git explained so much. (That's where I specifically learned "customize the prompt so I know what directory I'm in").
Getting over the fear of deleting files or doing something destructive: I still don't move or delete files from the command line. I must have been born late enough that my brain can ONLY understand GUIs for things like "where is this" or "drag from where to where" or "what am I deleting." I use `open .` very liberally. There is zero harm, and I lose so much less time.
I think about this story almost every day now: https://www.theverge.com/22684730/students-file-folder-directory-structure-education-gen-z. I'm old enough that I can't imagine organization without folders, but young enough that I can relate to having no reference to understand earlier methods.
We all remember things we're forced to repeat to accomplish our goals. We all forget some of the scenic route once we've learned shortcuts.