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jr conlin

Had an interesting conversation yesterday with someone that reminded me how weird Corporate and Open Source development is.

He asked what sort of qualifications and degrees are required to work on the rust compiler.

I told him: "Well, none. You could grab a ticket and create a PR. Now, getting that PR landed means it's going to be super scrutinized."

There are PhDs with dozens of AWS certs relying on code written by college drop-outs.

It's a really, really weird world.


@jrconlin i was telling a friend who thought programming was all math that the reality is nearly all the “mathy stuff” has been done for you, so mostly it’s just farting around.

jr conlin

@snipe @grmpyprogrammer

Thank you for your service.

Or library.

Or framework.

jr conlin

@ACTupper @snipe @grmpyprogrammer

Truly, y'all are the 5 year old seated at the table of the Evil Overlord.

(Which, come to think of it, might explain why so many big companies have 'requires at least a Masters Degree' in their hiring profiles.)

snipe ⭑⭒⭒⭒⭒ :antiverified:

@jrconlin @ACTupper @grmpyprogrammer the degree I was studying was in education of the hearing impaired. I dropped out, went to work on Wall Street, later worked with tigers. We all have our weird journeys.

Luke Kanies

@jrconlin @snipe s/weird/good/g :)

I love hiring people based on their skills and contributions and rather credentials, and OSS is one of the easiest places to do that.

jr conlin

@lkanies @snipe

Oh, absolutely. I've been deep in both worlds, and I frequently have to remember that there are LOTS of folk who never experience the other side. They can't fathom someone doing valuable work without dozens of qualifications, or that anyone should feel comfortable just jumping on a task and showing their code.


@jrconlin I hope the college dropouts are not having to spend too much of their valuable time fixing the code from the PhD's.

jr conlin


You already know the answer to this, don't you.

Cyber Yuki

@jrconlin It's even worse than it seems for corporate: the background checks. No matter how good you are, or how many years of experience you got, if you ave a practically irrelevant police record then they won't hire you, not even for remote work in another country. Luckily for me I have never been arrested, but what happens with people who live under a dictatorship?

Corporate work is bullshit.

Luna Saphira Dragofelis
@yuki2501 @jrconlin Unfortunately, the system of capitalism also practically forces many people to get a corporate job to survive, because necessities like food or housing are paywalled and money is gated behind jobs.
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