@carnage4life all that's missing is the post it note telling you to talk to someone who left 10 years ago about how to change the batteries in the working clock.
@carnage4life all that's missing is the post it note telling you to talk to someone who left 10 years ago about how to change the batteries in the working clock. 6 comments
@fugueish @carnage4life 6 months later there would just be a solar powered digital clock duct taped over the second clock, and we'd have pretty awards hanging on our cubes. (what me cynical!? unpossible) @darwinwoodka @AriT93 @fugueish @carnage4life interesting how the Wikipedia article on the same snuck “overtime” into the stage that was, according to the source above, merely just “panic.” Smells like propaganda to me @AriT93 @carnage4life Who documented it, though. However, the system was decommissioned 6 years back and the author didn’t respond to the numerous mails to „click here to migrate the content“. |
@AriT93 @carnage4life And this is why we all dream of a greenfield project to implement a sundial