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@mjg59 Is the advogato tag still relevant?, Is advogato back?

Matthew Garrett

@usul At least one aggregator that wasn't advogato was at one point pulling my technical posts based on them being tagged advogato and I have no idea if they still are and I don't remember who they were so I just do it just in case


@mjg59 i feel like a modern chroot and then mounting the rootfs would have somehow been a little less evil. but less funny so bravo.

Wouter Verhelst
That blog post reminded me of the time I skip-upgraded Branden Robinson's m68k Mac which is a terrible idea for very similar reasons, and everything suddenly started failing because libc was upgraded before bash and now bash didn't work anymore and most postints require bash, not to mention init scripts.

That was a pretty fun ride, too. And no, I should not have done that either.
That blog post reminded me of the time I skip-upgraded Branden Robinson's m68k Mac which is a terrible idea for very similar reasons, and everything suddenly started failing because libc was upgraded before bash and now bash didn't work anymore and most postints require bash, not to mention init scripts.
Sean Hood

@mjg59 "But that would have just involved me typing the same thing 5 times, while this way I learned something." This sentence was so relatable it hurts

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