I'm updating my project from Godot3.4 to Godot4.1, and it... sucks :(

1. TileMaps were reworked, so the upgrade tool just deleted the whole thing. I had to recreate all TileSets manually and then draw all the maps from scratch.

2. Parallax works somehow differently, so the initial sprite placement was completely off, had to adjust everything manually.

3. In total, I've spent ~8 hours fixing all the quirks in a project with only one level just to make it work locally as it was before.

4 ... and then I launched it on my phone, and it instantly crashed. Spent 3 more hours to find the cause: `uniform` usage in shaders. I changed it to `const` instead. Less flexible, but whatever.

5. ... and then I tried HTML5 export. Turns out, it now requires SharedArrayBuffer feature, and the webserver needs to set some headers. So it's no longer possible to host on Github/Gitlab Pages.

6. I've tried switching to Cloudflare (which supports it), but it has a filesize limit of 25Mb. The only file that is bigger is the engine itself, and after some digging around, it turns out that Godot always bundles:
* JS runtime
* 2D/3D runtime
* 3D Physics
* OpenGL AND Vulkan backends
* Virtual Reality runtime (XR)

7. To get rid of the features I'm not using, I'm now recompiling "export templates" from the engine sources...

It's amazing how quickly software rots :blobcat_thisisfine: