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Paris Marx

The US decision to privatize space has given Elon Musk immense power over how satellite communications are used and who has access to them. He controls 53% of active satellites in orbit, and countries have started voicing concerns to US officials. They won’t speak publicly for fear of the consequences of angering Musk.

#space #spacex #starlink #tech #elonmusk



What? The US didn’t decide to privatize space. In fact it entered into international agreements with the exact opposite focus, preventing governments from nationalizing space.

So SpaceX controls SpaceX satellites. There’s nothing strange about that. And any other firm is welcome to lunch its own satellites under its own control should it want to.

This is stretching hard to try to make a dramatic narrative where there really isn’t one.



"consequences of angering Musk"...

I'm depressed by the fact I live in a world where that sentiment has become a legitimate concern on anyone's part. /Sigh

Coach Pāṇini ®

@lupus_blackfur @parismarx @SomeGadgetGuy
Also, We the People permit private enterprise to operate.

That’s how it works.

This defeatism is un-American.

Rep. Eric Gallager (no "h"!)

@parismarx I look forward to the day when the U.S. sends the new Space Force to seize all of Musk's satellites

Mary P G Keating


another case of everyone knowing and not a soul taking meaningful action. i think it's just the tip of the iceberg. The nukes tho;,,


@parismarx @SocialJusticeHeals It's insane. I'm all up for multiple groups controlling things, not just 1.


@parismarx I'd like to see more than a tepid voice of concern. Get the vacuum out from Spaceballs!

No respect for anyone that "fears" a man baby that ruins every company that doesn't have the sense to oust him while he is on a plane flight and even those I hate because they have been nothing but vultures.

35000 pieces of Musk signed off pieces of failing trash with no plan on cleanup to do what exactly 3 deeper satellites could do with redundancy.

If the argument is to actually empower remote humans with the "knowledge" and communications of interwebs, then there is no need for trigger ping for CSGO. But it isn't about that, it's just about vanity products and ruining the sky and space for everyone.

@parismarx I'd like to see more than a tepid voice of concern. Get the vacuum out from Spaceballs!

No respect for anyone that "fears" a man baby that ruins every company that doesn't have the sense to oust him while he is on a plane flight and even those I hate because they have been nothing but vultures.

ts 🚉

@parismarx @jeffbyrnes fear? Let’s take ‘em if we need to. Eminent domain. NO ONE has a right to operate satellites that could realistically threaten our freedom or wellbeing.
Musk is one puny man. We need to remember logic and our collective pwr


@parismarx "decision" seems like a strong word.


@parismarx that is truly frightening.



Starlink is simply a military-industrial-complex smokescreen to deny other nations the ability to launch large constellations by filling up orbits.

Ervia Schudt

@mastodonmigration @parismarx
He will also wreck the health of mankind in the future when these satelites are much more and from every country and region, but no one knows or even cares about this #humanity #health #megaconstellations #space #US #money

Michael Busch

@mastodonmigration @parismarx For discussion of the effects of Starlink and things like it on astronomy on here, you may refer to @sundogplanets as well as to @VRubinObs.

However, there is larger danger from things like Starlink:

Disrupting the operations of other satellites in low orbits - such as some weather satellites.


@parismarx well those of us old enough to remember “Moonraker” saw this coming a long time ago…

Green Roc Thoughts

@parismarx Biggest question on my mind is, how much heat is being reflected back to earth from his menagerie of reflective satellites? #SpaceTrashBoy


@parismarx these satellites will be first to go in any conflict with China. They become garbage and the space junk takes out our own surveillance capabilities. What a complete shitshow this is.

Sir David Nielsen

@parismarx @sarahtaber we have options open to us, for instance, nationalizing it. Cease the means of communications brothers, sisters and non-gender comforting individuals!

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