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Today in 2000, 23 years ago, we introduced #libcurl into the world. #curl 7.1 was the first release featuring a separate library for Internet transfers, that curl was then made to use.

PHP adopted it almost instantly to become their default built-in transfer engine, which greatly helped the library "take off".

libcurl was not an instant success but has gradually grown more popular over time. Over 23 years.

Today we estimate 20 BILLION installations worldwide.

TJ :unverified:

@bagder (in style of Java installer) “20 billion devices run libcurl”

F4GRX Sébastien

@bagder i have even somewhat ported a part of the easy API to NuttX.

Karsten Schmidt

@bagder Happy b'day! 🎉 The modern internet/devops would not be the same without your tools...

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@bagder also #curl is way more versatile and useful than #wget and is available as a #standalone #binary:

No need to fiddle with shit: #ItJustWorks!

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