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Tomasz Oryński

My favourite monument in Wrocław, Poland is dedicated to all those brave men who ever tried to give a pill to their cat:

#cat #monument #wroclaw #caturday

Monument depicting a man struggling with a lion

@TOrynski “It is important to avoid the third stage, which basically consists of Man, Beast and Medicine locked in dynamic struggle and ought to be sculpted rather than described (as in Rodin's “Man Giving Pill to Cat”).” - Terry Pratchett


I'm a big fan of the sculptor, Claude Balls.

CDR Sir Samuel Vimes

@TOrynski She looks like a little swee’ pea, but has the strength of a full-grown panther. I can relate.

Abdel #ExiTT

@TOrynski this is me trying to apply dental spray to my cat.

JJ Krawczyk

One of our cats is currently on antibiotics every 12 hours. I can relate.

Alan Langford

@TOrynski I do this three times a week. WHERE IS MY MONUMENT?

Radosław "Steallar" Kucia 🎲🎮

@TOrynski cutting their claws seems to be much more of a challenge from my experience 😜

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