@nf3xn @rrwo @szescstopni @Threadbane SQL has been around since Codd's original paper in 1974, so it's a couple of years older than Voyager :)
As an SQL and relational algebra geek there's nothing worse I could hear than "SQL has only a limited range of applications". Both relational and non-relational databases can be amazing tools for storing data - when used properly for the right use case.
@blacklight @rrwo @szescstopni @Threadbane NoSQL is even older than that. As for SQL sadly I have used most of them. SQL has its place, like anything. The key difference between the way say some webshit like facebook is built and Voyager comes down to the way the project is managed. There is no move fast and break things with a nuclear power plant. It's the old school SSADM with endless reams of docs, specs, ERDs and dusty old process Very high detail, labor intense, expensive software cycle.