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@justpeachy @blacklight
My god, I'm MORTIFIED! 8^) You are absolutely correct. I was blinded by the Greek! (I've read the Odyssey and the Iliad in the original, so...running on inertia.)


@Threadbane @blacklight nothing to be too embarrassed about! I had to search it up myself. I’d never heard of a building called the Pantheon, only the word referring to religions with many gods.


@justpeachy @blacklight
The Parthenon is a temple to Athena Parthenos, the guardian goddess of Athens. Parthenos means virgin in Homeric Greek. I looked it up, but I actually knew that when I was about 17, when I was taking Homeric Greek.

Dan Ciruli :verified:

@Threadbane @justpeachy @blacklight I'm sorry, this is the Internet. We don't admit we were wrong and apologize here.

(In all seriousness: the world would be a FAR better place if more people could do what you did here! Instant follow)

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