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You can take it from this that I get a lot of people arguing with me based on their own lack of knowledge of the actual rules (and such people will refuse to even believe a Maths textbook if Google says they're "right").

beforewisdom πŸ––


I believe you, it is a common thing.

Some right wing guy asked me why I never believed his version of reality.

I told him that the version of the news I accept comes from multiple sources and all around the world.

He somehow managed to find an Australian right wing kook with his own show to back up what he heard on Fox News. πŸ™‚

Just like your story, he kept on looking until he found someone that told him what he wanted to hear.

πŸ’‘πš‚π—†π–Ίπ—‹π—π—†π–Ίπ—‡ π™°π—‰π—‰π—ŒπŸ“±

Yeah, the biggest issue in the #Maths area - and I'm talking specifically about the order of operations rules here (check out my posts from yesterday) - is there's a whole BUNCH of youtubes from University people claiming it's ambiguous. It's HIGH SCHOOL Maths, which they have clearly forgotten - I've never seen a High School teacher get the answer wrong, or claim it's ambiguous, only University types (so I wish they'd stop making those damn misinformation video's!)

πŸ’‘πš‚π—†π–Ίπ—‹π—π—†π–Ίπ—‡ π™°π—‰π—‰π—ŒπŸ“±

P.S. I also often see (often disparagingly) "this is a 5th grade Maths problem". No, it isn't. You don't get bracketed expressions with co-efficients until Year 7 (and by far the majority of people getting it wrong are following the Primary School interpretation, which only works if there's no co-efficients. This includes Texas Instruments calculators)

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