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Kainoa for the uninitiated, what is the NSS TLS library and why was it removed?

Elaine 💜🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
Can you explain what this means to curl users? What is NSS?

@bagder The github issue doesn't give any background for this decision. I'm curious whether there's something terrible about it, or is it just some spring cleaning.

daniel:// stenberg://

@kornel The patch itself removed the motivation from the DEPRECATED file:

- There are few users left who use curl+NSS
- NSS has few users outside of curl as well (primarily Firefox)
- NSS is harder than ever to find documentation for
- NSS was always "best" used with Red Hat Linux when they provided additional
features on top of the regular NSS that is not shipped by the vanilla library

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