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Benjamin Carr, Ph.D. 👨🏻‍💻🧬

The Electronic Frontier Foundation will award #AlexandraElbakyan, founder of the 'pirate' #library #SciHub, for her efforts to provide access to scientific knowledge. According to #EFF, #Elbakyan's site is a vital resource for millions of students and researchers. Some medical professionals have even argued that the site helped to save lives.

Miloš Jovanović

@BenjaminHCCarr Alexandra is a Hero of the People. Much respect.

Adam Wysokiński

@BenjaminHCCarr That's a very good news 🍻. Just what we do without SciHub? Results of all academic and any taxpayer-funded research projects should be openly available to anyone.


@BenjaminHCCarr pirates and seeders are the true heroes of the modern age

Radoslaw Panczak

@BenjaminHCCarr She is prosecuted for saving lives. And some random dude gets promoted at uni for shovelling 5000$ to Else-something. Go figure!

jonny (good kind)

super glad they ended up giving the award to her and not to sci-hub, saw she was a little miffed at that at first and good to see it was just an oversight on EFF's part, not an attempt to sideline her from her work.

hard to think of someone more extremely deserving of recognition in information liberation


@BenjaminHCCarr I’d also like us to remember that it was exactly this kind of pro-social, altruistic work – making peer-reviewed science available to all – for which the US Justice Dept drove Aaron Swartz to suicide, just 10 years ago.


@BenjaminHCCarr it's definitely saved my life while doing research

Amber Griffiths

@BenjaminHCCarr #ALTforYou #alt4u image is of the sci-hub logo, which is an illustrated picture of a corvid bird holding a key in its beak while stood on top of a pile of books

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