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Angela Korra'ti

@derwinmcgeary LOL! (Also, as a flute player, I TOTALLY WANT TO TRY THAT FLUTE.)

Walter Tross

@derwinmcgeary what about the two holes at the far end? It seems to me that it would not be easy to close the farthest one with the little finger.

Solomon Foster

@waltertross @derwinmcgeary You don't close them, you just leave them open. I believe it's an attempt to duplicate the flute geometry you get with a simple system keyed flute that has keys to go lower than D. (Or whatever the “root" note is.)

серафими многоꙮчитїи

@r3vlibre it's a silly pun on "felt cute" which people post on selfies... it's Friday 😁

El Duvelle

@derwinmcgeary oooh - had to read twice to get it 😅 nice 👍

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