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Hrefna (DHC)

It goes back to: there are no silver bullets. You can't just rub a programming language on top of bad practices and get a good result.

You are going to get a bad result regardless of what language you are writing in, and safeguards can backfire in a large enough project because they make things difficult to reason about or adequately test.

Anyways, I may have more to rant about on this eventually, but I'll leave off for right now.


mnl mnl mnl mnl mnl replied to Hrefna

@hrefna one thing that golang “kind of” is a silver bullet for is not having to worry about the concurrency model with libbashing an app together, which was my main pain point in c++ and python (when I used to do Java I wasn’t writing systems so dodged that problem) and was something not entirely settled the last time I built something in rust.

The “developer hostility” is felt in the terse tools as well. It’s getting better, but compared to rust or JavaScript it feels of another century.

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