Public WiFi that requires your email address to use is a sin against humanity.
Public WiFi that requires your email address to use is a sin against humanity. 28 comments
@kurtsh I’ve been using the AOL email address that I used as a teenager. Somehow it still works. @zak The Internet never forgets Zak. Never forgetttttttts... Do you still have an AOL CDROM? 😁 I think I still have an MSN disc somewhere. @kurtsh Unfortunately not. I do have some fairly old hardware, but I don’t have any old (physical) software at all. Except for maybe my old N64 cartridges, if that counts. #Capitalism is the sin against humanity! All of its manifestations are just turbulance. @waldenecovillage @zak The problem with #capitalism is 1) it accumulates wealth in the few and 2) does not protect the workers. We can diffuse accumulation and give workers a healthy wage and more social security. No I'm not advocating socialism, but Marx would applaud my ideas. @waldenecovillage @zak I understand. But socialism isn't workable, except maybe like the Nordic economics which won't work in the United States. @Cirdan @waldenecovillage @zak There are other alternatives to #capitalism such as #EconomicDemocracy where all firms are structured as worker #coops but markets are preserved. It is not possible to protect workers' rights and have wage labor @jlou @waldenecovillage @zak The alternative I propose is Labor Capitalism, i.e., property is owned by a shareholderless corporation and ALL of the net profits are used to augment employees wages and social security. @Cirdan @waldenecovillage @zak In this alternative, who has control rights over the corporation that is the firm that workers work in? @jlou @waldenecovillage @zak It's a nonprofit corporation that has no members, only employees. No dividends or property distribution. Corporation is self governing. @Cirdan @waldenecovillage @zak So like a #WorkplaceDemocracy. Why not call it a worker coop then? @jlou @Cirdan @waldenecovillage This was a weird direction for this post to go in. @jlou @waldenecovillage @zak Because coops by their very nature vest property ownership in individuals which is at the heart of property accumulation in capitalism. @jlou @waldenecovillage @zak Don't know if I answered this earlier but the corporation uses a special hierarchy where managers at each level are strip of hiring/firing, compensation and property use authority. Those powers are reserved by a committee of workers who are guided by experts, not in house management. @javier Yep, this is what I do. But the requirement surely tricks a lot of people. |
@zak has always worked for me! 😁