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Vagina Museum

We don't know whether Google has taken to using some utterly useless automated tools to detect "sexually explicit" content, or the image was maliciously reported - these are both struggles that we've had in the past. And once again, we wearily have to sigh "oh come ON" and request a manual review.

:manjaro: The Dweller of the Threshold

@vagina_museum that beard, and those sunglasses, together with that Italian family name, is smth utterly pornographic…

Vagina Museum

If your interest is piqued and you'd like to read the rest of the comic, you can find the other three pages over in our resources section, because Google hasn't taken *those* down.


@vagina_museum I once posted a link to a Guardian article on an American weight loss site and it was reported and deleted because there was a photo - taken from the side - of a naked woman in the article.

I was very irritated by this.


@vagina_museum you could also be more explicit and trustworthy than this.
it's been the admins or alleged equivalents, not the bots. There are evidences that if in at least 2015 you wrote any kind of phrase on the Mozilla search bar you'd have had unwanted and arbitrary feedbacks over the internet. Do you need someone to tell you what are we talking about?

Rachel Rawlings

@giovi69 @vagina_museum

Mansplaining to the vagina museum in a thread about censorship of the clitoris.

Achievement get! Blocked!

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