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To help us raise more funds for our development efforts, we are launching a new line of merchandise for Mastodon including t-shirts, mugs, enamel pins, and stickers.

Eric Leamen

@Mastodon Already stressed about trying to nab one of those awesome t-shirts!

Malcolm Bastien

@Mastodon Only 250 of each item?! That's not going to be enough. 😭


@malcolm @Mastodon yeah, this is going to sell out in a day 😅 better keep an eye on the launch announcements.


@Mastodon I am 1,000% buying a Mastodon pin.


This Mastodon pin is super cute, I want one! Can’t wait til they are available to buy.


suldrew 🚲🏳️‍🌈

@Mastodon we need a John Mastodon poster, Shepard Fairey style

Loukas Christodoulou

@Mastodon I will 100% buy a Mastodon mug and take it to work to provoke discussion among my workmates.

Loukas Christodoulou

@meraord I used to take a Frozen mug to school so the pupils could think it was funny. A Mastodon mug will make for even better conversation.

Ethan 🌒

@Mastodon will you be using any of the proceeds to hire moderators for your instance?


@Ethancdavenport @Mastodon While still has them silenced, their moderation team has greatly increased in speed of handling reports, etc. They already pay their moderators as well.

Ethan 🌒

@linkeddev the question was rhetorical. all open reg instances suck shit

@Mastodon This might be legit, I hope to get some stickers!
Eugen Rochko

@alexanderhay @Mastodon That would be lovely, but of course there's a bit more of an upfront cost to that. We're starting slow but we'll add more items over time as long as demand keeps up 🙂

Alexander Hay

@Gargron @Mastodon Cool! Thanks for the swift reply. And yes, do sign me/the kiddies up for a mammoth or two.

Loukas Christodoulou

@alexanderhay @Gargron @Mastodon maybe some of the crafting community on Mastodon can produce blue wooly mammoths and also share the sewing and knitting patterns for that? Would they get sued for making bootleg Mastodons?

Alexander Hay

@Loukas @Gargron @Mastodon That reminds me of the company that made the first wave of soft toy Paddingtons. They were, ahem, 'unlicensed', but then the owners ended up having a friendly chat with Paddington's creator, Michael Bond, in the lift, and all differeces (and royalties) were resolved. This made the merch retrospectively legit, and it was all very high quality anyway.

And the final twist? The owners of the firm were also the parents of... Jeremy Clarkson!


@Mastodon ich will den becher ich will den becher ich will den becher ich will den becher ich will den becher ich will den becher ich will den becher ich will den becher ich will den becher ich will den becher ich will den becher ich will den becher ich will den becher ich will den becher ich will den becher ich will den becher ich will den becher ich will den becher ich will den becher ich will den becher ich will den becher ich will den becher ich will den becher ich will den becher ich will d


@Mastodon oh no if the mug does look like that I might have to purchase it!

[Bestie] aria

@Mastodon i demand plushie (jk but it would be cool to have)


@Mastodon give my it! I will wear it on my TikTok’s and streams all the time


@Mastodon I really want that mug :blobcatcoffee:

Hans Lemuet

@Mastodon looking great! Who's FRESH merch? Can you give a link to learn more about them?



I might be ready to give you money without having to consume something at the same time. This is called "donation". ;)

But on your website, I did not find information on how to donate.


@Mastodon My admin senses are tingling, I need a mug and or a shirt :blobNervous:


@Mastodon Cool! I'd like to get a t-shirt or two...especially if this is gonna help the developers and this platform overall.


@Mastodon i love this... probs cant really afford any of it, but i hope this is very successful

An Obvious Alias

@Mastodon Nice 👍
Though I feel like there's an opportunity to merchandise the John Mastodon meme too 😆

Stephen Smith

@Mastodon Oh no only 250? I'm definitely buying one of each merch type, and possibly one of each design in one category.

Christian Alder

@Mastodon Hope to see a plushie one day, but will settle for a t-shirt and mug 😊 (If I'm able to get hold of one, I think that 250 limit will be used up fast)

Aaron Ouellette

@christian @Mastodon as someone who proudly has a firefox 1.0 shirt... Sell em!

L.Yo :startrek: :linuxmintnew:

@Mastodon Ik had liever iets volwassener en strakkere items met logo verwacht. Maar misschien komt dat nog.

Sven-Kristofer Pilz

@Mastodon will there be a second batch? Asking for a friend.


@Mastodon I’ll buy a mug! Wish you also had bookmarks.


@Mastodon I fancy that pin... But if there aren't enough items, maybe the @crochet and @knitting groups could help you...
I do hope that this #merch is not made by slave labour

Michael Downey 🇺🇳


Good luck with the fundraiser!

Will the proceeds be going toward software development, or hosting your instances?

The answer to this matters, and there is as of yet no transparency to how previous funds have been spent.

Donors deserve to know.


@Mastodon Do the funds go towards just Social or do some of resulting efforts get used by other instances in the Mastodon universe?

Health Is Wealth

@Mastodon "did you know you can get notified when we post if you click on the bell button after following?)."... Apologies for the newbie question but where is the bell icon? I've followed you since I first signed up but never seen a bell icon on any account using the Android Mastodon app (v2.0.1)... That I can see. Thank you!

Lord Segazawa

@Mastodon that is some great merch. I just wish I had more interaction with people and groups here. Really not a fan of the X rebranding on the other site…


@Mastodon seems like a fantastic way to help support what y'all are building!

Paul Hulford

@Mastodon I’ll hopefully grab a mug, stickers and a pin!

Edher 🇧🇷

@Mastodon I have an idea. What if you made something called Mastodon Blue and made it a subscription that cost $8 a month? that would be really revolutionary and would totally benefit this platform as a whole

Andrew Briscoe

@Mastodon I’m definitely buying some merch, can’t wait actually!

Simon Carpentier

@Mastodon You're cute thinking that those won't sell out in a matter of minutes.

Simon Forgues

@Mastodon “When we initially polled you on Mastodon to see what kind of demand there is for merch, over 6,700 of you said you would buy something. Of course, social media polls can’t entirely be trusted, so we went for a far more conservative initial batch. Only 250 units of each item will be available at launch. So they might sell out quick!”

MAD7 :vegan: :it:

@Mastodon it's a super good idea 🙏🏼

Please use materials and everything in general as environmentally sustainable as possible so as to be ethical in other ways and set an example 😊🍀


I sure hope you are not the Mastodon that showed up when I googled "Mastodon Merchandise" just now. For I am neither hushed nor grim.

Where is this merch?? I needs me a coffee mug!


@Mastodon I had no idea Dopatwo is the artist for Mastodon. I love their style. They have a YouTube channel and make hilarious dota 2 animations.


@Mastodon can someone design a shirt with the mastodon mascot standing in the dead twitter mascot?


@Mastodon Can I haz a purple baseball cap with white embroidered logo plz? Kthxbai!

Streamboat Ouellette

@Mastodon Dudes, just set up a subscription donation service

Pieter de Bruin 🌍🌈☮️

Also sharing that you can #support @Mastodon directly through (in case you already have too much stuff or see this when stock is sold)

hugovangalen 🤖 🕹️ 😼

@Mastodon T-shirt idea:

"I've met John Mastodon and now I have this awesome t-shirt"


Nope, no help nor boost by me!

Because in the same named native App, your Instance in still set as the pre chosen Option, all in the name of better Onboarding you mentioned, that's Bullshit. 🙄

Mastodon.Social has become greedy as fuck in the same manner as Twitter once, for all the wrong reasons in my humble Opinion at least. 😒

#Greedy #Mastodon #GmbH

Thanks to @oliver 😉


It seems like a "+suffix" within a mail-address is not handled while subscribing to the mailing list. Intentional?

benny windolph

@Mastodon wann werde ich diese Tasse vorraussichtlich ersetzen können @Gargron ?

Osfast :verified:

@Mastodon just 250 of each.. MAKE MOAR!. haha I wanna get a full set of the OG merch.


@Mastodon Finally actually pretty merch! Much better than just a logo!

Tanya Harrison

@Mastodon @annettamallon This is great news because donating to my instance is inaccessible, and I want to give Mastodon financial support.


@Mastodon @OpalkovaH Chcem tričko. Aj dve. Kde sa to dá kúpiť?


@Mastodon I'm also asking you guys for support me by giving a Tip on my Ko-fi page 🤝🫂

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