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Arne Brasseur

In light of Chrome's "DRM for web pages" proposal, let me just say that I've been using Firefox exclusively (mostly Nightly) for years. It's gotten really good. The devtools are great, the performance keeps getting better, excellent spec compliance. I really recommend checking it out.

My name is Arne Brasseur and I wholeheartedly endorse Firefox.


@plexus would love to, but the abnormally large design of tabs irks me the wrong way, and Firefox no longer has themes that change that, instead they now have something more akin to skins, not real themes they used to.

Arne Brasseur

@askonomm Firefox (in green) vs Chrome (in black). Firefox is more narrow and a few pixels taller. How is that abnormally large?


@plexus One is actual size, the other is perceived size. By making the tab more of a button than a tab, it feels very large, rather than what Chrome has. Obviously it's just a personal preference thing, but that's how it feels to me. I also don't understand why they aren't tabs anymore, and buttons instead. Safari tried to do the same and the user backlash made them revert their decision.

Arne Brasseur

@askonomm seems like a rather superficial reason to choose one over the other. Are you really still going to notice after using them for a few weeks?


@plexus It is superficial, and so are humans. Design details matter a lot to me. After all I stare at the browser all day, which for me makes the problem worse, not better.


@plexus I've been using it as a daily driver for a couple of years now, I can recommend it but it's no Camino

technomancy (turbonerd aspect)

@plexus trying to remember the last time I ran into a page that broke in firefox but worked in chromium but I can't, it's been years and years

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