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FediFollows ☃️

/ picks of the day:

➡️ @opencage - Forward and reverse geocoding API based on open data

➡️ @mappingsupport - Developer of GISsurfer web map, FindMeSAR, GeoJPG, ArcGIS server curator

➡️ @GregCocks - Spatial data scientist & researcher

➡️ @GeoDon - Land user planner using GIS & spatial analysis

➡️ @Dragons8mycat - Chartered geographer with RGS IBG

➡️ @ConspiracyOfCartographers - Website about maps, effects of extreme sea level rises


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FediFollows ☃️

/ picks of the day (continued):

➡️ @geomob - Events & podcast for geospatial enthusiasts

➡️ @pokateo - GIS/Geospatial expert, sharer of map memes

➡️ @GIS_Bandit - Product manager at Esri

➡️ @josh - Professor of Anthropology & Social Informatics, interested in GIS


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