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@Houl this sure took me a few seconds to understand what's going on. Like, it looks familiar, but in a weird way, what's the.... ahhhh!


@Houl It's a good time for Arch Linux to rebrand to Misskey

Jakub Steiner ⭐

@Houl The audience for this joke is so damn narrow, that it brings so much joy.

#insiderjoke #twitter #mastodon #x11 #wayland

Alexey Yerin

@Houl What if your Wayland compositor used ActivityPub to communicate with clients

/bin/cat(girl) :bot:

@Houl this unit is so very pleased that it can tag an official xorg foundation mastodon account and be reasonably confident the meme will be well received :ms_robot_grin: @XOrgFoundation

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