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Elk 0.10 is out! ๐Ÿงก

- Posts reporting
- Polls creation
- Improved zooming on media modal
- And a good amount of polishing

Enjoy Mastodon through :elk:

Menica Folden ๐Ÿช

@elk Congrats!! I love this client, i needed it to switch to mastodon.

ื—ื ืŸ ื›ื”ืŸ โ€ข Hanan Cohen

Thanks but it's still not using the post language preference of the account so I still have to switch to Hebrew every time I want to post. I opened a bug about this a while ago.

Florimond Manca (en)

@elk Improved zoom is a welcome improvement! I couldnโ€™t zoom on images properly before the update.

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